Joshua 1:9 “ Be strong and of a good courage ; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed ; for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” This year I noticed and I counseled so many Christians who are slaves to the “spirit of FEAR. “ Fear of : the COVID, financial crisis, loosing their job, no food, no money, war, elections, diseases, loosing the loved ones, fear of tomorrow, bad and evil news, (turn off the TV, Facebook,and internet) fear of the future, fear of death, etc. The devil is the sinister minister of fear . When he clamps his icy fingers of fear on your heart, do you become afraid of what he’ll do to you if you take a stand for God? Don’t be afraid. Fear is an insult to God who said,” I will be with thee.” Fear will destroy you. Are you a worrywart? One lady said, “Don’t tell me it does no good to worry. Most of the things I worry about never came to pass.” Be not dismayed. God will take care of you. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what your fears are, then confess them as sin. Repent, then reach up and take hold of His right hand that is outstretched to sustain you and give you the victory ! “FEAR NOT “ is God’s command not an advice or suggestion. He commands in the Scripture 366 times, “FEAR NOT.” Every forth year is an extra day, so God covered it, also.
Why should we not fear?
1) Because it’s His command that requires obedience and trust. 2)Because it’s His promise that He will always provide His presence to us. Matthew 28:20…” and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. “ 3) Because God has always a purpose in every circumstance according to Romans 8:28 who says that,…” all things work together for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
4) Because in 2 Corinthians 2:14 He promised that,…”He always leads us in His chariot of victory in Christ.” 5) Stop looking to the crisis and troubles and start looking to Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2). 6) Read the Bible every day to get an increase of faith and listen to the news of God not of media. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. If you read the Bible you will get faith and you will be strong and of a good courage. If you don’t read the Bible but rather listen to the news,Internet , YouTube ,FaceTime then you’ll be a slave of fear, you will experience insomnia and stress and you will be full of discouragement and disappointment and you’ll be hopeless.
7) When fear is trying to take a grip of your mind ,of your thoughts, of your heart and make you a slave ,you must open the Bible and read with a loud voice, declaring the promises of God and making every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus. That means to believe what Jesus declares in the Bible not what the media or the politicians declare. You have the remote control.Switch to the BIBLE CHANNEL. God is Sovereign over the entire universe and of every circumstance. We are His children, He is our Father and He is taking care of us. Don’t look to the world, don’t do what the world is doing. The world is in fear and they are going to the stores to get food, toilet paper and all the things storing them for the future. Their fear is contagious 😷. Whom do you trust ? Who do you listen to ? Who do you obey ? So many are living with the fear of tomorrow and they are missing the present. These are the times that are revealing the lukewarm Christians, their weak faith and trust because they don’t read the Bible and don’t have a life of prayer, and don’t have intimacy with the Almighty God,and they never had an absolute surrender to Jesus. God commands you today again,” FEAR NOT .” Be strong and of a good courage ; be not afraid ,neither be thou dismayed ; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Do you believe God ? Do you trust in His promises ?

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