“Do you know what’s the chief tool of the devil?”

“Do you know what’s the chief tool of the devil?”

“Do you know what’s the chief tool of the devil?”

Psalm 25:15” Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord.” There is a story about the devil actioning off his tools. He had a high price on pride, laziness, arrogance,hate, envy, and jealousy. But there was one tool that had a sign under it ,”Not for sale.” Someone said,” What is that tool, and why isn’t it for sale?” “Well, he said, “I can’t afford to get rid of that one. It’s my chief tool named “Discouragement .” With this tool I can pry open a heart and once I get in I can do most anything I want.” Do you want me to tell you why you get discouraged? I’ll give it to you in a nutshell, you’ve taking your eyes of God. Are you discouraged? If not, praise God ! And find someone who is so that you can give them the encouragement they need in Christ Jesus. Maybe it’s your next-door neighbor. Maybe it’s a coworker. Maybe it’s your spouse. Maybe is your child. Remember you have the remote control. When you don’t like a channel you can change the channel. “Mine eyes are ever towards the Lord, not toward the circumstances but towards the One who is in control of the circumstances. Romans 8:28 says, “We know that all things work together for good, for those who love the Lord and those who are called by His purpose.”God always has a purpose for your life. God is always in control of His purpose. He’s never late and never slow. Hebrews 12:2” Fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of your faith.” Psalm 34:5” Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. “ Hallelujah !

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