“Do you desire more than husks ?”

“Do you desire more than husks ?”

Lk. 15:16 ” And he would gladly have filled his stomach with the husks that the swine ate…” Why would anyone desire husks ? In the material world, you are limited. But in the world of desires, there are no limits. Why should I desire the little things if I can have big things? Why should I desire something less than God Himself with all of his riches? Eph.1:3 “Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” A long time ago, a man from Europe immigrated to the US in hopes of a better life. He built a good life for himself for many years and aged gracefully. His last wish before death was to go to Europe once more to visit his birth country. He has worked so hard during his life that he saved enough money for a boat ticket. Realizing he also needed food to last him about one month, he saved some dry goods such as walnuts, apples, bread, etc. And so he started his journey and when it came time to eat and everyone was heading towards the cafeteria, he would return to his room and open his bag with dry foods and eat them sparingly. Finally, his journey came down to one day prior to the arrival when everyone headed to the cafeteria, the man smelled the wonderful aroma of the food being cooked. He couldn’t resist the temptation anymore so he pulled out a small amount of cash and went to seek a waitress in hopes to buy a meal. Approaching the waitress, he asked, “Miss,could you tell me how much a meal cost?” Shocked, the waitress replied, “do you have a ticket?” The man answered, “yes.”The waitress looks at his ticket and to his surprise, she points out on the bottom of the ticket ” ALL MEALS INCLUDED.” Just like this man, there are a lot of Christians that are leaving on dry goods rather than enjoying the meals of God. Through Jesus’death and love we have all meals included. Notice three things…” He has blessed us.”…”In Christ Jesus.”…” In the heavenly realms.” In the spirit, the possibilities are unlimited. In the spirit you do not need husks, you don’t need crumbs. In the spirit you can have the highest -you can have God. Forget lesser things and desire God Himself.

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