“Gaining a new perspective on life.” Heb.12:2″

“Gaining a new perspective on life.” Heb.12:2″

“Gaining a new perspective on life.” Heb.12:2″

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith…” There was a workman and at the end of the working day, he was leaving his factory and was pushing out his wheelbarrow. Inside of the wheelbarrow was a small box. He was stopped by security guard. The guard said,”What have you got in your wheelbarrow ?” He said, “I have a small box .” The guard says,”I know you got a small box. What is in the box ?” He says,” Well, you know the saw dust that’s on the floors at the end of the working day, and is swept up and is thrown away ? I needed some. So I put it in the box and I’m going to take it home.” The guard says,” Open the box.” He opens the box and saw sawdust. He said,” Out you go.” Next day same thing, third day same thing, fourth day same thing. Fifth day he pushed out his wheelbarrow, inside was the small box. It was the same security guard. The guard says,”It’s you again. What have you got in your wheelbarrow ?” He says,” I got a box with saw dust .”He says, “I got this feeling that you are up to something I just got this feeling. I think you are actually stealing something. Look, why don’t you tell me, what you are stealing and I promise I won’t report you?” And the man says,”Oh right, then. I am stealing wheelbarrows.”
Isn’t life a little bit like that ? Sometime we can be so distracted by our little thing that we miss the big picture. Make sure you don’t get so distracted over the minor that you miss the major. The perspective is so, so important.Paul said” I consider everything rubbish, that I may gain Christ…” Phil.3:1 What do seek to accomplish in 2023 ? Matthew 6:19-21” Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” You must live with the perspective of God’s Kingdom. How much do you have in heaven waiting for you ? Everything that you invest for God’s Kingdom remains,the rest is just vanity. In the past Jesus called a tax collector but today He is calling trash collectors. Do you have an eternal perspective or earthly perspective in 2023 ? What are your eyes fixed on ?

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