“Are you an A student or C student ?”
Psalm 90::12” Teach us to number our days alright…” An American urged a friend of his who just arrived in USA from Thailand, “Quick, let’s run to catch this bus !”Once inside, the happy American said, “We have gained twenty minutes.The Thai asked, “What do you intend to do with them?” Men in advanced Western countries have no answer to this question. Our generation has forgotten how to walk. It knows only how to run, drive and fly. Jesus never run ; He only walked , except one time when He rode a donkey.There were chariots, horses, and camels in His day but we don’t read that He used them. We do well to save minutes. Every minute is a jewel, but we often realize its value too late. The story is told about a man who walked in the dark along the shore of a river. He stumbled on a small bag containing stones, which he picked up. As a pastime, he amused himself by throwing a stone in the river every once in awhile. He like to hear the plitch-plitch in the water. When he arrived home, only two stones were left in the bag. He saw that they were diamonds . We run to save minutes and squander what we have saved in unworthy activities, conversations, and amusements. A man who has lived seventy years will answer before God for thirty-seven million minutes. Many people today struggle with time management. For many of us, we never seem to have enough time to do everything we want to do . We feel constantly pulled in many directions at once. Other are unsure if they are spending their time effectively. It seems no matter how hard we try we never feel as though we are managing our time well. If we want to honor God with our time, we have to realize that our time is not our own, it is God’s time. Unfortunately, we too often think that our time is ours to do whatever we wish with it. Certainly God has giving us this freedom of choice, but God teaches us through the Bible that nothing we have is our own, it is God’s. God owns everything, and God distributes it to us according to His wisdom. Whatever we have, even our time it is a gift from God but we must use it wisely. God gives everyone the same amount of time. Everyone has 24/7/365, 24 hours a day/7 days a week / 365 days a year. While everyone has the same amount of time, the way we use that time differs, it is our priorities which determine the way we spend our time. God commanded us to schedule the time and adjust our priorities to His. I must manage my time God’s way or I will waste my time and always be in crisis of time.