“Burdens and trials a necessity?”
James 1:3 “ Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. “ A man had a grandfather clock. One day he felt sorry for the grandfather clock because it had a weight on it, and that weight was always pulling on the clock. The man said, “ Oh,Mr. Clock, you’ve held this weight so long ; I’m going to remove it and let you rest.” The clock protested, saying,”Don’t take that weight from me. That’s what keeps me going.” In the same way, the trials and tests of life are there for your endurance. They’re to keep you going, keep your trusting, keep your praying, and keep you depending upon God. In another translation it says that,”the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” Perseverance overcomes resistance. When perseverance is finishing its work you’ll be mature and complete,not lacking anything. Few reasons that God allows His children to go through trials and hardship are: to teach them how to consider it great joy whenever we face trials of many kinds, learn how to be thankful in and for trials, be patient, our faith to be tested to prove that it’s real, to persevere, and because we need to be mature and not lacking anything, and to reveal Himself, His presence, goodness, faithfulness, protection ,and provisions. When was the last time you shared with someone that they need to be thankful for their trails? When was the last time you told yourself that?