“Free love”–Fact or Fantasy ?

“Free love”–Fact or Fantasy ?

“Free love”–Fact or Fantasy ?

1John 5:3” For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments: and His commandments are not grievous.” One of the most prevalent ideas of the 1960s was the idea of “free love.” That concept is a lie. There’s no such thing as “free love.” Real love is a great and grand commitment. Real love costs you dearly. It is self-sacrificing. It means doing what is best for the other person.Sometimes a young man who seeks his own gratification will say to a young woman “I love you” as a means of getting something from her. Oh, he loves her all right. He loves her like a man who loves oranges. He takes an orange,cuts a section,squeezes the sweet juice from it, wipes his mouth, then tosses it away like garbage, and says, “Man, I love oranges!” Let me tell you, real love is not that way. Lust lives to get. Real love lives to give. Read 1Corinthians 13, and as you do, compare the world’s idea of “love” to genuine love. John 3:16” For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…” Real love gives, sacrifice, is in action, comes from the heart, not demanding ,not envying ,not expecting, not just words, not just from the lips. Do you have the love of God or your own flesh ? How can you get the love of God ? Romans 5:5b…”Because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us .” Colossians 3:14” But above all these things “put on love,”which is the bond of perfection.”1Thessalonians 3:12” And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all…”Did you put on love everyday? How much your love increases daily ? Your love cannot increase unless somebody will hate you, mocks you, gossip you , persecute you, etc. and the prove that your love is increasing is if you love them unconditionally, constantly, as Jesus did. The Lord said,”If you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?(Matt.5:46) Do you have the love of God ?God’s love requires obedience to His commandments. You can do so many things for God and for His Kingdom but if you don’t obey His commandments everything is in vain.

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